Thursday 14 February 2013

Proud Parents R Us
Hey I'm Kylie, I'm a married mother of 2 little girls. I started my facebook page called Proud Parents R Us, to get parents (mums and dads), parents to be and people trying to conceive talking and sharing experiences, give and receive advice, tips, a place where they can come to be a parent and also themselves. It is an advice and support page but with a lot more added in, such as we also promote members businesses, have the baby bump watch going on for expectant parents, and our own monthly newsletter in the pipeline.

Being a parent is the most rewarding job in the world but it is also very lonely, I know this from my own experience. I made this page so that parents would have support from  other parents who understood how they felt, what they are going through and can make friendships, even if they are online friendships.
It's not all doom and gloom, there are topics and discussions, both serious and some that are just for fun, there's quiz's, the book club, and monthly competitions. And there is much much more.

People who need support and advice can post questions directly onto our wall, or private message us if they want there post to remain anonymous for example-

<then the persons message>

The page is for members only and all new friend requests are checked before being added. Two of our main principles on the page are respect for other peoples views and opinions, we know everyone doesn't always agree on certain things. But also the privacy of our members is important. People who are non-members cant see whats on our page. What happens on the page stays on the page.

It's a relatively new page and has only been opened for two weeks but already we have hit 200+ members, everyday the page grows and evolves, that's why I'm trying to reach out to more people.

I started the page, and help run it daily, but I also have an amazing team of mods who devote their own time to the page, we are a voluntary non profit page, and we all have our families and come from different circumstances. The mods are Zoe, Jenni, Kay, Louise, Fiona, Michelle and Charmaine. The page is based in Scotland but we do have members from around the world, which is pretty amazing.

If this appeals to you then join our online community xx Kylie

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